Kim Irvine - member since 2018
By Brad Scott

Kim Irvine
When did you start curling
- I started playing at the age of ten
- My Dad was a Scottish Coach so he had me on the ice at an early age watching, learning and participating where I could as he coached the ‘big boys and girls’ !
- My local ice rink was Hamilton Ice Rink in Lanarkshire, Scotland, but I have played in most of the key well known ice rinks across Scotland from Stranraer to Inverness in many different localised and interclub competitions.
- Was brought up in a family of curlers from my Grandparents, Parents and Sister, all playing competitively and at times together as a family. We even still managed to keep our cool (pardon the pun) with each other on the ice
- Having reduced my Curling activity in Scotland due to life and business, then emigrated to Australia only to stumble across Cockburn Ice rink, via my husband attending a Corporate Curling day. Now after a 20 year gap I am back on the ice playing competitively in the sport I grew up with and love.
- In Scotland when I played, I played for me. Having lost my Dad a few years ago, who sadly passed away on the ice, every game I now play, I play for him…he is my mindset coach, always there with me pushing me to succeed.
What are some of your curling highlights
- Playing for the Scottish Junior Women’s Team (youngest player at 17).
- Growing up in and around the key curling fraternity in Scotland, spending most weekday nights at the Ice rink either playing or watching, always waiting in the wings with my shoes ready to jump on as last-minute substitute if needed.
- Playing a crucial game in my first ever winter league at Cockburn where I had to step in as skip and play the game of my life which was a closely contested game. We came away with the win and it just so happened to be on my Dads birthday!
- Playing in the Nationals Competition in the Women’s and Mixed events, the opportunity and experience will always hold a special memory – enjoyed every minute of it.
- Being with my family in the UK when Kim Forge reached out to let us know we were going to be playing in the Worlds Seniors Competition in Korea in April…I will never forget the sense of excitement and the look of pride on my Mums face.
Can you recall your best or most enjoyable shots
- Played a spectacular draw round a guard at this year’s Nationals (Women’s team) to lie shot nicely tucked in.
- Had some crucial take outs too which I was really pleased about as we had spent a lot of time practicing these shots in our pre-game sessions, so it paid off.
What is your favourite shot
- I do like a nice draw round a front guard or the thrill of a double take out.
What does curling mean for you
- That I am not done yet !.....most sports are based on skill, fitness, technique and agility with the biggest hurdle for many is to be able to continue competitively due to age restrictions
- Curling surpasses that, where technically you could curl from as soon as you can walk and hold yourself on the ice to the day your broom is replaced by a Zimmer frame !
- It means you might not be able to play for the Olympics, but to be able to play for your country when you turn 50…after a 20 year break and 3 years refresher practice …it means if I can do it anyone can !